Daily walks can help people reduce insomnia and get better quality sleeps

Sleep Walker

As we get older, our sleep patterns change. I’m in my 60s, and for the past year I’ve been dealing with insomnia, only getting about three to five hours of sleep each night. It’s tough. Being wide awake at 3 am and then nodding off during the day has left me feeling out of sync. I’ve tried everything to get some shut-eye: soothing music, sleeping pills, sleep podcasts, you name it. Nothing has worked. Meditation is a no-go for my hyperactive brain. 

Gradual improvement 

Feeling like I was running out of options, I thought, why not give more physical exercise a shot? I started with short walks and gradually increased the distance. I found that walking about 4 miles (6 kilometres) a day is my ‘sweet spot’ – any less and I’m restless; any more than that, and I’m too tired. 

While walking hasn’t cured my insomnia, I’m pretty sure it’s helped. I’m getting at least an extra 30 minutes of sleep each night since I started. Plus my overall health has improved, and I feel more positive, energetic, and calm. According to my smartwatch, my cardio health is above average for someone my age. 

Looking back on 2023, I’d say that walking has made the biggest difference in my daily life. 

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