A man finally learns to break his bad habit of being late.

Starting a New Habit

I’m late. I’m late! For a very important date!”  – the White Rabbit in Alice in Wonderland

“I’m not late; you’re just early.” – from a recent post on social media

“If you’re not ten minutes early, you’re late.” – a very punctual friend of mine

Time for a change

I’ll admit it: I have spent many years being late and suffering the consequences. It’s not something I’m proud of.

In the past year, however, I’ve changed: and have learned that it feels good to be on time.

An example of my new habit applies to the drive to work. Usually, the trip takes about 25 minutes, but now I allow 45. If traffic bogs down due to an accident up ahead, no problem. I have a built-in buffer to allow for the delay, and I can still get to work on time. And when traffic flows smoothly, I often arrive with 10 or even 15 minutes to spare. How sweet is that?

By arriving earlier, I have time to finish listening to a favorite song, check my work notes, and send a text. No muss, no fuss — and best of all, no stress.


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