grayscale photo of woman inside car


A university student was having the rough kind of grownup morning. How could her parent help turn the day around?

“My daughter’s day didn’t start off well. She’d stayed up late to finish university essays and study for an exam, and only got a few hours of sleep. In the morning she hurried to get ready for the 7:15 am train and realized she was getting a cold….”

A parent watches a show about zombies to help turn the day around

What Leaked Out

Dealing with both insomnia and the three-year anniversary of the pandemic, how can this parent turn the day around?

“I can usually deal with insomnia, but not today. After three nights of poor sleep my body feels like a heavy, water-filled container. When I walk upstairs my legs feel weighted….”

A parent’s embarrassing discovery about her technology use makes her feel oddly better.

Unfair Tests

Why do children expect parents to keep up with technology trends? A parent reflects on these daunting expectations, and gets to the root of a recent challenge.

My 20-something children test me in ways I never did my parents. They expect me to keep up with major cultural and technology shifts – to know some trending songs – to recognize popular celebrities. And to have a sense of who’s in, and …